Blogs and Podcasts

Dive in and explore our latest wildlife and conservation blogs and podcasts.

Summer is No Holiday for Seabirds

9 September 2024

Every year, 24 species of seabird flap, swoop and soar their way to Scotland's islands, cliffs and beaches. Some of them will have migrated thousands of miles from warmer climates, whereas others spend winter way out in the North Sea! No matter where they came from, these spectacular seabirds are now in Scotland with one mission: to breed, feed and raise their young.

Where to See Gannets in Scotland

14 August 2024

Would you like to experience the incredible spectacle of a Northern gannet colony? This blog lists several places you can spot them in Scotland between February and October! The following locations are just some of the incredible places you can visit to have a good chance of seeing them. From the remote and rugged islands of St Kilda to the Bass Rock, read on to find out where you can go to spend some time with Scotland's largest seabird.

Where to See Guillemots in Scotland

4 July 2024

Would you like to witness the spectacle of a lively, bustling guillemot colony? This blog lists just some of the places you can spot them in Scotland in late spring/early summer!

Meet Josh

11 June 2024

Meet our brilliant boat office manager, Josh! Josh plays a key role in helping our visitors experience Scotland's incredible and inspiring marine wildlife.