Education Officer
Are you passionate about supporting children and young people to learn about and benefit from engagement with Scotland’s amazing marine environments and wildlife? This could be the role for you. We are looking for someone with experience of delivering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics) learning through outdoor settings, in the classroom and via physical and digital resources to diverse audiences.
This role is responsible for the development and delivery of informal education activities to help people learn more about Scotland’s marine and coastal environments and the spectacular ecosystems and wildlife we have. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to engage with the Scottish marine environment and access to educational resources by increasing the diversity of audience (all ages, abilities, social background, geography) of beneficiaries that we can reach.
We warmly welcome and encourage applications from people currently under-represented on our team, including people from ethnic minority groups, disabled people and LGBTQ+.
Full role profile can be downloaded here.
Apply with CV and cover letter to info@seabird.org setting out how you meet the role profile and competencies by noon on the 16th September 2022.