Business Support Officer
- Job title: Business Support Officer
- Base: Scottish Seabird Centre, The Harbour, North Berwick, EH39 4SS
- Reports to: Finance & Business Support Manager
- Term: Permanent
- Salary: £22,000 pro rata
Working pattern: 24 hours per week to be completed over a minimum of 4 days. Pattern to be agreed.
About us
The Scottish Seabird Centre is a national conservation and education charity. Our purpose is to Inspire and educate people about the Scottish marine environment in ways which motivate them to care for it and to participate in conservation activities. Based in North Berwick, East Lothian we overlook the marine environment of the Firth of Forth and its internationally important breeding seabird colonies. We welcome over 160,000 visitors each year to our Centre.
You would be joining us at an exciting time as we develop a wider range of conservation, education and engagement activities that are delivered at the Centre and through our marine outreach and digital programmes. These activities are geared to contribute to cross-society efforts to improve ocean literacy and to tackle the twin nature and climate crises in ways that help Scotland’s seas to recover.
We have four key pillars to our work:
- Conservation we develop, practically undertake, and promote models of conservation best practice and citizen science.
- Education we deliver education programmes, science resources and events and use innovative ways to provide information on the marine environment.
- Communities we work in partnership with diverse communities including enhancing the experience for visitors to North Berwick.
- Experience we offer a 5-star, year-round visitor experience that helps people to make informed choices about the management of the marine environment.
Our charitable work is supported by our not-for-profit Trading Company Scottish Seabird Centre Limited and our 5-star visitor attraction which provides a valuable resource for members and visitors.
Role profile
The Business Support Officer will work collaboratively with the Finance & Business Support Team to provide administrative support to the organisation. This is a key role within the team and is one of the main points of contact for customers, potential new team members and other stakeholders.
- Download the full job description and details of how to apply HERE.
Your application should comprise a covering letter setting out how your skills and experience match our role profile and why you would like to work for the Scottish Seabird Centre. Please also attach your CV and provide details of two referees who would only be approached if a job offer is made.
Closing date
Please send both to info@seabird.org by noon on the 27th March 2023.